Survival tips for separation

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The breakdown of a relationship can be one of the most difficult and challenging events in life.  These are some of our tips for surviving separation.

Look after yourself

Separating inevitably involves a period of emotional upheaval, which can take a toll on your overall health. It is important to prioritise your wellbeing. It may be as simple as creating a routine of self-care by eating well, exercising frequently and maintaining a regular sleep pattern. 

Grief is an inherent part of any relationship breakdown, whether that is the loss of a partner, your family unit or the life you once envisaged for yourself. We encourage you to consider the assistance of a family GP, a counsellor or psychologist to help you navigate your way through.

Communicate wisely

Think about how you will communicate with your former partner going forward.  We have found that having clear plan can help when responding to communication that is hurtful or angry.

As lawyers, we see the consequences of communication conducted in periods of heightened emotion following the breakdown of a relationship and believe that having a plan of approach or clear guidelines can help.

There are many strategies that you could consider. You may find it easier to be measured in your response if you wait until the morning to reply or perhaps your strategy will be draft now, think and send later. You may decide that adjectives will not appear in your text messages or that you will be first to stop if emotions are escalating.

Equip yourself with knowledge

Most decisions are best made when you have the correct information. Knowing your financial and legal options can be key to making informed choices and sound plans for the future.

It is important that you obtain the right information from the right source.  Consider seeing a financial planner to discuss your new financial position and some future projections.

Speak to an experienced family lawyer about how the law might affect you and know what your options are before you make any significant decisions. Whether you have separated or are just thinking of separating, it is worthwhile to speak to a family lawyer and equip yourself with the right knowledge going forward.