Co-parenting after separation has challenges for even the most amicable of relationship breakdowns.

Whilst you can bring to an end the other aspects of your relationship, the reality is that you will both continue to parent your children in all but the very exceptional circumstances.

While there are some who are able to navigate flexible parenting arrangements after separation, for others, flexibility brings with it conflict. You can quickly find yourself struggling to juggle the demands of the other parent, your own commitments and those of your children.

Parenting by agreement

We are dedicated to making the experience of formulating any arrangement for your children as stress free as possible. Where feasible, we aim to facilitate the resolution of any disagreement by what are known as consent orders, so that everyone can benefit by moving forward with certainty.

Just as every family and its needs and concerns are unique, so too is our advice.  We pride ourselves in being child focused and understanding the complexity of parenting.

If there are any issues of abuse or violence and you are concerned about protecting you or your children, we can help you to seek orders that will afford you protection.


Sometimes families find themselves before the Court for issues relating to the arrangements for the children. 

With the Court’s paramount concern being the 'the best interests of the child', the Court will consider, amongst other factors, the benefit of the child having a meaningful relationship with both of the child’s parents and the need to protect the Child from physical or psychological harm.

We understand, that as a parent you will have some apprehension or concerns about how the court process will impact on your children and your role as their parent.

We can advise and assist you throughout the process and use our experience and expertise to help you navigate through the sometimes long, emotional and challenging Court process to achieve an outcome in the interests your children.

Contact us to speak to an experienced family lawyer about your individual circumstances.